Friday, April 16, 2010

Journal #4 Playing with Skype NETS-T#2,3,5

Weller, T.J (2010 March/April). Playing with Skype. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6). Retrieved from

The equipment required to participate in Skype is minimal; a computer with a broadband Internet connection, a couple of microphones, a webcam, and some adapters to pump the audio feed through the sound system. This is also called "webconferencing", which allows us to keep in touch with the real world. A basic task or activity can turned into an interactive conversation across the globe. Weller claims that “one steadfast rule about using technology in my classroom and rehearsal hall: If it makes for a richer educational experience, then it is worth it. This experiment was certainly enriching and well worth the brief amount of time it took for everyone to figure it out.” If this technology was available for me and my class, I could incorporate this tool. We are all familiar with three way calling, or phone confrencing, but could you imagine being able to actualy see who you are speaking to. There are a few simple steps to starting your interaction with the world, a quick registration at, an installation of the program, and Skype is ready to use. This is a great resource for families that might be apart, because it still allows them to actually see them. This could also relate to the last journal in which i had the students communicate with a digital pen pal. If the students had this tool they could not only speak to one another, but see what their pen pal looked like.

Q What are some other ways to incorporate Skype in the classroom?
Skype is an excellent resource when working with technology, as well as a means of communication. Modern technology has created a world with an infinite amount of possibilies. This program can be used in discovery, but also applied towards our daily lives. This is a valuable tool when you wish to stay in touch with friends and family.

Q What is an example of a lesson plan using Skype?
A simple lesson plan that would use this digital tool would not only be the pen pal activity, but the introduction of other languages. If the students were able to connect with another class of a different speaking student, they could teach eachother. I find this facinating because after all students tend to learn well from one other, what better way to introduce a forgien language.

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