Saturday, May 1, 2010

Journal #6 “A new concept of digital citizenship for the digital age” NETS-T #2,4,5

Christie Greenhow, . (2010). A New concept of digital citizenship for the digital age. Leading and Learning, 37(6), Retrieved from

The article introduces the term "digital citizenship", which simply means that an indivdual can function in a vitual world. This means being able to illistrate a basic understanding of technology. One aspect of this is to be familiar with iternet policies, safety and copyright laws. Completion of this makes you a valuable citizen because you are considered a "dual" citizen, functioning in both a virtual and digital world. As a teacher it is extremely important to teach safe, legal and ethical use of digital information. The facilitation of the copyright laws would also be enforced. Internet access will allow us to bridge these two worlds. There is a large amount of information to cover when conducting a technology class, so a presentation of these laws is valuable. Now that we have these tools lets use these resources to set the foundation of incorporating technology in the classroom.

Q What are some other reasons people use digital citizenships?
People use technology for many reasons, but it seems everyone uses it for either buisnes reasons or for personal expression. Communication is an important part of our socal interaction as human beings, and now that this virtual world is in the palm of our hands, the possibilities are endless. The ability to incorporate these two simaltaniously is a new frontier.

Q What other online tools can we benifit from?
In addition to this technology there is a variety of on online tools. The magazine, stated that studies found that different adolescent groups had a basic understanding of preventative precautions for their online safety. Today teenagers use sites such as myspace and facebook; and these seem to allow cyberbulling and open forums like this often invite these types of problems. Lastly, the article said that aproximetly 50% of employers use different sites like facebook to actually looking for employees. The trend seems to show that employers look to promote and recruit from here because they are certain that these participants found online are digital citizens.

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